Our Mission

By God’s grace alone and to his glory alone, we exist to worship God in his greatness and his holiness with Gospel-driven passion and integrity…through joyful submission we will emphasize and strive to:

  • live together in authentic and loving fellowship,
  • make and mobilize disciples,
  • share the Gospel in word and action locally and around the world,
  • serve sacrificially the community in which God has placed us.

2024 Officer Nominations

 We’ve reached the time when you, the congregation, have the opportunity to nominate the next class of Elders, Deacons  and Trustees. The nominating committee is seeking your suggestions, and we ask that you make those suggestions after careful consideration and prayerful reflection. The deadline to submit your nominations is Sunday, September 15th. 

Click here to submit your nominations For
Ruling Elder, Deacon, and Trustee


8:30AM Early Worship Service
9:45AM Fall Sunday Studies
11AM Late Worship Service


What to Expect / Directions

Our Worship service is broadcast weekly
at 11 AM on WLAQ AM 1410 & FM 96.9.



Meal in the Crossing at 5:30PM
Programs begin at 6:15PM

  • Infants (8 weeks to 16 months) - CLC 204
  • Toddlers (16 months to 2 years) - CLC 205
  • Bible Zone 2's and 3's - CLC 203
  • Bible Zone 4's and K's - CLC 201
  • Summit 1st through 3rd grade - Hardy Chapel
  • 4th & 5th grade Girls - CLC 210
  • 4th & 5th grade Boys - CLC 209
  • Communicants, 6th grade - Back Room Trail Life
  • Student Ministry Small Groups - Crossing
  • Adult Community Groups - various locations
  • Servants of Sovereign Joy! - Fellowship Hall

Following Jesus: Finding Fulfillment and Faith in the One Who is Greater

A sermon series on Matthew

According to Pastor Bill, the big idea of Matthew's gospel is, "Come to Jesus and learn about the kingdom of God, then go into the world to advance His kingdom by following Him in faith." May you, like Matthew and countless others, come to Jesus, follow Him in faith, experience heart transformation, and advance His Kingdom in your home, work, neighborhood, and the world.


To Know Jesus Christ and to Make Him Known

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