FPC Family Equipping Ministry

FPC Family Ministries partners with ministries within our church to achieve common goals for family nurture.  We provide gospel centered, Reformed training, classes, seminars, resources, and other means to equip, encourage and support families and parents as the primary disciplers of their children. We oversee the Student, Children, and Nursery Ministries, separately and holistically to ensure interconnectedness, family focus, and seamless transitions that facilitate Christian students' spiritual discipleship. 


Parenting Ministry

This Ministry seeks to come alongside the parents of our church to equip them as the primary disciple-makers of their children.

  • We provide parenting classes on Sunday mornings in the Spring.
  • We offer Parenting Seminars throughout the year, which are usually one or two sessions.
  • Every few years we offer a Parenting Conference.

Marriage Ministry

Our Marriage Ministry focuses on equipping and encouraging biblical marriages through:

  • Marriage Retreats, Date Nights, or other large gatherings.
  • Providing marriage enrichment classes and small groups.
  • Equipping couples with biblical principles and resources to be proactive in keeping marriages healthy.
  • Offering marriage counseling from pastors or other church leaders. 

Supported Ministries

(formerly Mother's of Preschoolers)

Trail Life USA 


Please click the link below for recommended resources for Christian parenting, marriages, etc.

Annual Events

Marriage Enrichment Events





Serve With Us

Family Equipping Ministry Team (FEMT)

Our FEMT oversees the ministries to families and students as well as planning the Parenting seminars, classes, and conferences.

Marriage Ministry Council

This team coordinates and plans the marriage enrichment classes, date night events, conferences, and other ministries to support Biblical marriages. 


To Know Jesus Christ and to Make Him Known

706.291.6033 EMAIL US