2024 Resident Membership List

August 28, 2024 

Dear Church Family,

 We’ve reached the time when you, the congregation, have the opportunity to nominate the next class of Elders, Deacons  and Trustees. The nominating committee is seeking your suggestions, and we ask that you make those suggestions after careful consideration and prayerful reflection. The deadline to submit your nominations is Sunday, September 15th. 

 As you pray about your nominations, please be mindful of the qualifications for Elders, Deacons and Trustees, as stated in the scriptures, as well as our Book Of Order. These qualifications are also listed on the nomination forms.  The selection of our church officers is an extremely important matter and we ask that you seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance for each nomination.  

 Please keep in mind that the differences between an Elder, Deacon and Trustee are not primarily a function of spiritual maturity but of giftedness.  An Elder is primarily called to maintain focus on the ministry of prayer and the preaching of the Word of God.  Elders should be committed to and capable of seeking the mind of God for the mission and vision of this body, guarding the Gospel message in every aspect of the life of our church, and shepherding the flock that is the body of Christ here at FPC.  

 A Deacon should be committed to partnering with the Elders, taking responsibility for certain aspects of the church’s ministry entrusted to them, primarily calling for the gift of service.  These are distinctly different roles which call for distinctly different gifts, exercised in both offices by spiritually mature people called and equipped by God for that particular ministry.  There are no requirements that an Elder or Trustee must have previously served as a Deacon, and it is quite possible that someone who has previously served as an Elder or Trustee may be one who comes to mind for you as primarily having the Deacon’s heart of service.

Please use the membership list as your worksheet, and use the links above to submit your nominations. 

The Nominating Committee deeply appreciates your suggestions and will give each recommendation solemn consideration.  After prayer and deliberation, the committee will make final selections.

 We thank you for your help in this important matter.

 The 2024 Nominating Committee

Jonathan Johnson, Chairman; Dave Abernathy, Frank Brown, Jeff Giddens, Brittni Hall, Jackson Keene, Diane Ogletree 

To Know Jesus Christ and to Make Him Known

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