
 Sunday Worship Services—We will have two worship services: 8:30 AM in the Sanctuary and 11:00 AM in King Hall. Our Sunday School Hour is from 9:45 to 10:45 AM.


Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism: We welcome Mr. and Cory (Jessica Tucker to the 11 AM Worship Service as they present their son, Master Ezra Drake Tucker, to be marked with this sign of the covenant.

It's Daylight Savings Weekend!

Don't forget to Spring Ahead this Saturday, March 8!


New Elders and Deacons to be Ordained and/Or Installed on Sunday, March 16

Having been elected by the congregation, taken part in a period of officer training, and approved by the Session, the following new officers will be ordained and/or installed in our combined worship service in King Hall on March 16.

Deacons to be Ordained and Installed:                    Elders to be Ordained and Installed:

Trey Newton                                                                     Matt Claytor

Jim Talley                                                                          John Goodrich

Deacons to be Installed:                                            Elders to be Installed:

Joey Beard                                                                        Greg Garrett

Justin Bruce                                                                      Tommy Manning

Frank Stegall Jr.                                                                Hollis Reese

Harris York 



 Sunday, March 16 at 5 pm in the Sanctuary – Come and celebrate as this year’s Communicants’ class publicly professes their faith and the Session receives them as members of the church. This will be a worship service with the Sacrament of Communion served as well as an official meeting of the Session.


Parenting Seminar March 9

 The Family Equipping Ministry Team invites parents to attend our next STEPS Seminar on Sunday, March 9, at 4 pm.  Our topic is Parenting with Hope: Raising Teens for Christ in a Secular Age, which is based on the book by Melissa Kruger. This seminar would be good for parents of current teens and those who have future teens.  Nursery is available at the church for children 8 months to 5 years old. Contact Nell Milner about nursery reservations. Contact Pastor Ken if you have questions about childcare for older children.


Women's Retreat is March 21 and 22

Mark your calendars for the Women’s Ministry Spring Retreat, “Living in Light of Eternity”. Guest Speaker Stephanie Schneider will be teaching from 1 Peter “A Letter of Hope for People Longing for Home”.  Friday, March 21st, 6:15-9:15 and Saturday, March 22nd, 9:00-2:00 in King Hall.  Come for a weekend of teaching, worship, prayer, and fellowship! The cost is $20.



Church Family Night is Wednesday, March 19

The Family Equipping Ministry Team invites you, your family, and friends to attend our special Wednesday night Family Gathering on March 19 at 6:15pm. This year’s theme is “March Madness”. During this night, we will all stay in the King Hall following dinner to play games appropriate for all ages, enjoy fellowship, and be reminded of God’s blessing of our church family.  The Children’s Ministry, Student Ministry, and Adult Discipleship Ministry will all be taking part in this event. The Nursery Ministry will be available for any parents who wish to take their little ones there.  If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Ken ( ). 


Pips Trip to the Booth Musem on Friday, March 14

Pips is planning a trip to Cartersville on Friday, March 14, to visit the Booth History Museum and eat lunch at the Appalachian Grill. We’ll leave the church at 9:30 and travel in a rented 15-passenger bus. Please sign up with the church office as soon as possible so I know how many will be riding the bus.


Organ Recital March 30

Internationally acclaimed organist Joby Bell will perform works by Bach, Schumann, and Dupré. This concert celebrates the renovation of the 1970 Reuter organ by Colby Organ Builders. Experience Joby's repertoire, virtuosity, and warmth in this inspiring performance.


Men's Lunchtime Bible Study February 20- April 10

We are excited to announce an eight-week men's Bible study focusing on the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:1-12. We'll explore how these teachings of Jesus offer a transformative path to a more fulfilling and meaningful life and world-changing influence in our homes, places of work, and communities. We'll explore each Beatitude, seeking to understand its meaning and how we can apply it to our lives as men of God and for His glory.  This study will be co-facilitated by Jonathan Johnson and Keith Thompson. The study will be every Thursday, 12-1 pm, February 20 - April 10, at FPC Rome (Crossing, Side Room).  Please bring your own lunch. To register for the study and to find out more information, please contact Jonathan Johnson at  .


VBS Save The Date


 Vacation Bible School 2025: Monday, July 14 - Thursday, July 17.   


FPC Community Groups

 This is a great time to join a Community Group! Community Groups will resume meeting in August. If you would like more information about Community Groups or if you are interested in joining a group, please visit fpcrome.org/communitygroups or contact the Director of Adult Discipleship and Missions, Mr. Rob Davis, at .


 Women's Bible Studies for Spring 


  • New Mom's Bible Study. Led by Mandy Williams and Taylor York.. Monday at 9:30 AM in CLC 101.
  • Revelation Led by Mary Holcomb on the Second Monday of Every Month at 6:30pm. Meets in CLC 101.
  • 1 Samuel Led by Amanda Davidson Tuesdays beginning January 7, 8:00 - 9:30am & 1:30 - 3:00pm Meets in VanDyke Room (morning) and CLC 101 (afternoon).
  • 2 Corinthians, Led by Joan Brock, will meet on Tuesdays beginning January 14, 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Nursery will be provided. Meets in CLC 101.
  • 2 Corinthians Led by Bethany Johnson Tuesdays beginning January 14, 6:30 - 8:00pm Meets in VanDyke Room.
  • Women’s Community Groups Led by Amy Davis & Erin Evans, Emily Katherine

If you need the nursery, please contact Ms. Nell directly.


Spring Sunday Study Lineups


  • The Delight and Duty of Fellowship. Lead Teacher: Dathan Sorrow; Crossing Side Room
  • Proclaiming Christ Through Isaiah. Lead Teacher: Tony Pemerton; CLC 101
  • Deep Roots, Life Bountiful: A study of Colossians and Philemon. Lead Teacher: Rusty Chadwick; Trail Life Building
  • Mingling, Message, and Meaning for 20 Somethings and College Students: Studies from the book of Nehemiah.  Lead Teacher: Ben Rooke; Pastoral Conference Room in The Crossing 

Sunday Studies Coming March 23-May 25th:

God's Heart for the Nations. Lead Teacher: Jeff Lewis. Location: Crossing Side Room

Proclaiming Christ Through Isaiah. Lead Teacher: Tony Pemerton. Location: CLC 101

 Marriage with Pastor Jonathan  (March 23- April 20) Trail Life Building

 Gospel-Centered Parenting with Pastor Ken (April 27th - May 25th) Trail Life Building

Mingling, Message, and Meaning for 20 Somethings and College Students: Studies from the book of Nehemiah.  Lead Teacher: Ben Rooke Location: Pastors’ Conference Room

Student Ministries: The Jr. and Sr. High Students will meet in the front and back rooms of the Crossing.

NURSERY Ministry

  • Infants: 8 weeks-16 months (CLC204)
  • Toddlers: 16 months-2 years (CLC 205)
  • 2s & 3s During Worship (CLC 203)
  • 4s & 5s During Worship (CLC 201)

CHILDREN’s ministry

  • 2s&3s (CLC203)
  • 4s&Ks (CLC 201)
  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (Hardy Chapel)
  • 4th Grade Girls and Boys (CLC 209)
  • 5th and 6th Grade Girls (CLC 210)
  • 5th & 6th Grade Boys (CLC 207) 


Wednesday Nights at FPC

Wednesday Nights Continue ~ 5:30pm Meal; 6:15pm Program

Catered by Shane’s Rib Shack, it will include your choice of BBQ Chicken or Pork Sandwich, Chips and a Cookie, or a Large Salad from Honey Baked Ham. Children’s Fast Food is the same as the adult meal.  Reservations are due no later than 3 PM on Monday.


Locations for the Children:

  • Infants (8 weeks – 16 months) – CLC 204
  • Toddlers (16 months – 2 years) – CLC 205
  • Bible Zone for 2’s and 3’s – CLC 203
  • Bible Zone for 4’s and 5’s – CLC 201
  • Summit (1st-3rd grade) – Hardy Chapel
  • 4th-5th Grade Girls – CLC 209
  • 4th-5th Grade Boys – CLC 210


Wednesday Night Studies:  February 12- March 16

Wednesday Night Study: Van Dyke Room The One Anothers! Explore Scripture and mine the treasures of “the one anothers.”  Teacher: Pastor Jonathan Schwartz

 Presbywhat!?!  Administrative Offices Teacher: Rob Davis


Community Groups


- Stephanie & Travis Hill-Trail Life

- Bethany & Jonathan Johnson-King Hall

-Jessica and David Baker-CLC 101


Location: Rob's Office - Chris Congdon & Charles Hooper

Location: Pastors’ Office- Keith Thompson & Jeff Giddens


Walking Track 

- Amy Davis & Erin Evans

- Robin Sorrow & Emily Katherine Johnson

- Joan Brock & Mandy Williams


FPC Giving


  • ACTUAL YEAR-TO-DATE: $329,846
  • OVER/(UNDER) BUDGET: ($154,879)

Student Ministry Scholarship Program 

Our Student Ministry Work Scholarship Program continues to accept jobs year-round. If you have any work that needs to be done, please contact Caleb Sanders at or visit fpcrome.org/scholarship to fill out the online form. We are particularly in need of opportunities for our female students.

  • For Congregants: If a congregant has a job that they would like to do, please contact the church office. Please give your name, phone number and description of the job along with how many students may be needed. Caleb Sanders will contact you for more specifics and to schedule a date and time. Payment should be submitted to the church office, notating that it is for the work scholarship program. Please note these payments are not tax-deductible.

    For Students: Students have the opportunity to work jobs for our congregants to help fund future trips. If interested please contact the church office and leave the student's name, parent's name and contact information. Caleb Sanders will reach out to both the family of the student and the congregant to coordinate logistics and specifics.

    A sign-up link can be found at www.fpcrome.org/scholarship or on the student ministry page. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Caleb Sanders and


Exalting Christ, Advancing the Gospel

We are continuing to collect commitment cards.  If you and your family have already made a commitment, thank you.  If you have not done so, simply fill out a commitment card either online or a paper card/envelope.  You may drop the paper envelope and card in the offering plate or bring it by the church office.

Exalting Christ Campaign Commitment



If you are visiting with us today,  we would love to have the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about our church.  Please visit our Connections table after worship to talk with a volunteer and to receive a gift cross.  Or you may visit our church website, click on the link at the top for the Connect Form, and a member of our Connections team will contact you.  We look forward to connecting with you.



The Bible teaches us that all Christians were “created in Christ Jesus for good works” (Ephesians 2:10). Our church has created a Serve Profile that helps you discover how God has gifted you for His service and shows you potential areas of service in the church and community. This Serve Profile does not automatically sign you up to serve anywhere! It opens the door for a ministry leader to contact you and discuss ways you may feel called to serve FPC and our surrounding community when opportunities are presented. You may visit fpcrome.org/serve and click on the SERVE PROFILE button. It is accessible from all mobile devices and takes about 7 minutes to complete. If you prefer a paper copy, contact the church office at 706-291-6033.



If you would like to be kept informed of the church’s prayer needs, email the church office at .org to receive updated prayer requests. If you would like to submit a Prayer Request for yourself or someone you know who is in need, you may do so on our website at http://www.fpcrome.org/prayer
Do you know someone who is a non-believer? The Evangelism Ministry Team would love to pray for them. You may email your specific requests to Pastor Jonathan Schwartz at .


To Know Jesus Christ and to Make Him Known

706.291.6033 EMAIL US