Welcome to First Presbyterian Church
We are glad that you are interested in our church. Whether you are looking for a church to attend in Rome or looking for more information about our church, we hope that you will find what you need or will reach out to us. We also hope is that you will experience the love of Jesus as you worship with us or interact with us.
If you would like to visit our church or if you want to find out more information about the church, then please fill out the Connect form. This will enable our ministry leaders to plan for your visit. Or it will give us a way to contact you to answer your questions.
Rev. Ken Chivers
Associate Pastor of Family Ministries
Sunday Mornings
Each Sunday morning we hold two worship services with that same foundational purpose in two different locations. Both of our worship services are ordered in such a way that the Gospel story is proclaimed anew each week through the elements of Word and sacrament, creed and confession, prayer and song, with each service having its distinctive way of doing so.
Early Worship Service
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM I Sanctuary
Our Early Worship Service gathers in our historic Sanctuary where we worship and glorify God through older sacred hymns and our Chancel Choir. The pipe organ, piano, strings or brass instruments may accompany our singing. Our Pastors wear black Geneva robes as a traditional way of signifying them as preachers of the gospel and shepherds of our flock.
Late Worship Service
11 AM - 12 PM I Sanctuary
Our Late Worship Service gathers in King Hall. We worship and glorify God through a wide variety of hymns and songs…some new and some old. The singing is led by a small group of vocalists usually accompanied by a combination of guitar, violin, percussion, and piano. Our Pastors wear suit jackets rather than robes.
Sunday School Hour
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Wednesday Nights
As our FPC Mission statement guides us…Wednesday Night Family Gathering Meal is one way we “live together in authentic and loving fellowship.” Each fall and spring, we gather for this special mealtime before going off to our various ministry programs.
- Nursery Ministry (8 weeks up to 2 year old's)
- Children's Ministry Bible Zone (2 year old's - Kindergarten)
- Children's Ministry Summit (1st - 3rd grade)
- Children's Ministry Boys & Girls Small Groups (4th & 5th grade)
- Communicants (6th grade, August-February)
- Student Ministry Jr. & Sr. High Small Groups
- Adult Discipleship Community Groups
- Fellowship Hall Pastor's Class
Where to Park
Parking is available around out Christian Life Center. In addition, parking is available on Wednesdays after 5 pm and Sunday mornings:
- Behind the Christian Life Center in the FPC lot
- Extending out to the corner lot of E. 2nd Ave/E. 2nd St, across from Owens Sporting Goods (Wed. evenings and Sundays only)
- Behind Mellow Mushroom and next to The Crossing
(Free after 6pm Monday - Saturday and Sundays)