Infant Baptism
"For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself." Acts 2:39
At FPC we love our children and we take seriously our responsibility to partner with you as parents in the vital role of shaping your child's heart, mind, and soul. God has entrusted you as parents with that primary responsibility and we want to do all that we can to be a part of equipping you for that role. As your church family, we also hope you will give us the chance to invest with you in your child's development as a faithful, fruitful follower of Jesus Christ, looking forward to the day that he or she will personally profess faith in Christ as Savior.
The Sacrament of Baptism is a "first step" in that journey of partnership. In it we recognize that the same God who allows us to know him as Father is also the God and Father of our children, that they belong to the covenant community, and that the covenant community is designed by God to play a vital part in their growth and development. We hope that the following information will prove helpful to you as you consider presenting your child for baptism.
Basic Requirements for Infant Baptism at FPC:
Because you will make holy promises before God and this part of his Church as you present your child for baptism, we begin with these basic requirements:
1. At least one of the child’s parents must be able to give a credible profession of faith in Jesus Christ.
2. At least one of the child’s parents must have demonstrated a commitment to this church family by regular participation in the life of the church over at least the past three months. Normally, at least one of the parents should be a member of FPC Rome.
3. The parent(s) presenting the child must review the promises (vows) they will be asked to make as a part of the baptism and affirm that they can make those promises in good conscience and, by God’s grace, will intend to fulfill them.
Baptismal Vows
Step One
In presenting your child(ren) for baptism, you will be asked to make the following promises or vows. Please review them carefully.
Presenting Your Child for Infant Baptism at FPC Rome
Step Two
Once you have affirmed your faith and signed the Baptismal Vow form, please submit a Request for Baptism. As we plan our worship services many weeks in advance, we ask that you give at least two options for dates that will work with your family schedule at least 6 weeks in advance. Submitting this form is not an approval of your request, nor does it officially schedule the baptism on one of your preferred dates.
Please note: Because our pastors rotate in their preaching dates between the Convergent Service (King Hall) and our Classic Service (Sanctuary), it may take some coordination together to schedule the pastor you desire, in the service you desire, on one of the primary dates you desire.Thank you in advance for working with us to make all of the details fit together for this important moment in your family’s life, and the life of this church family.
One of our pastors will review your request and will seek to arrange a conference with you to discuss your child’s baptism within 5 business days. Prior to that meeting you are asked to review the recommended pamphlet What Christian Parents should know about Infant Baptism by John P. Sartelle (available at the church office), and/or watch Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.'s video, Why Do We Baptize Our Children? so that you understand our beliefs and can either affirm those beliefs or ask questions about them at that time. It is following this meeting that approval for the baptism request may be given, and, if approved, then the date and time are put on the church calendar.